May 24, 2008
The meeting was called to order by President Ray Valley.
Attending teachers, Cliff Bedore , wife Ruth and daughter Melanie, Alan Murray and his wife Loa, Jim Strohmer, Hildred Moss,
Zale Miller, Beverly Myas Shortt, Ed White, Betty Candy Robinson, Margo Nelson Smith, and Nancy Rea Griffin, were introduced
and welcomed.
Hazel Fach Needham, celebrated her 75th anniversary
year from the class of 1933 and represented the oldest class in attendance.Alton LeDuc, represented the class of 1936..
Class roll call was given by Secretary Mary Anne Whitchurch
The minutes of the 2007 meeting were unanimously approved
as printed in the program.
The treasurer’s report was read by Josephine
Bailey Neubecker. The report was unanimously approved as printed in the bulletin.
A discussion was held regarding the refurbishing of
the class pictures. Officers will take it under advisement.
Darlene Clemens Winslow, (1954), representing the
nominating committee consisting of Clara Brewer Clark (1963), Jim Orr (1954) and Helen Hasty Jennings (1950) nominated a slate
of officers for a term of two years 2009-2010,consisting of Ray Valley, President, Richard Hamilton, Vice-President, Josephine
Bailey Neubecker, Treasurer, Mary Anne Whitchurch Tuck , Secretary.
A motion was made by Jean Ouderkirk Valley (1951)
to accept the slate of officers as presented. The motion was seconded. The motion carried.
The announcement of 13 scholarships awarded to Ogemaw
Hts, graduates in 2008 was read from the program by treasurer Josephine Bailey Neubecker.
Secretary Mary Anne Whitchurch Tuck shared the following
From 2002 thru 2008 the WBHS Alumni Association has
awarded 51 scholarships to Ogemaw Hts. graduates in the amount of $18,200.
Nancy Rea Griffin announced a $500 scholarship was
given to an Ogemaw Hts. graduate by the North Central Michigan Foundation through the WBHS Alumni Endowment Fund. (Orioles
The celebrating classes were introduced as follows;
Ray Valley introduced 1933 and 1938.
Jane Parker Shortt introduced the class of 1943.
Patricia Sullivan Weiler introduced the class of 1948.
Barry Wilkinson introduced the class of 1953.
Richard Coates introduced the class of 1958.
Phyllis Lehman introduced the class of 1963.
Joe Izworksi introduced the class of 1968.
A drawing was held giving out $1000 in increments
of $500 $300 $100 $100
Meeting Adjourned