May 28, 1983
The West Branch Alumni Association meeting was called
to order by President Frank Hacht.
A corsage was presented to the oldest alumni in
attendance...Alice Lovell Moss, class of 1914.
Invocation was given by Carol Priddy Curtis.
An Alumni flag was presented to the association
by Althea Cascadden Phillips in memory of the Holt family. In January 1983 Hazel Stay Bassett passed away and her family donated
money to purchase the flag stand in her memory.
Roll call given by Secretary Jack Hammond. Treasurer's
report given by Darlene Clemens Winslow. Total balance $3199.45
Motion by David Curtis and seconded by Dale Sheltrown
that the treasurer's report be approved. Motion carried.
Secretary's report given by Jack Hammond. Motion
by Edwin Shiel and seconded by Nancy Rea Griffin that the secretary's report be approved. Motion carried.
Being no old or new business, meeting was adjourned
by a motion from Freeman Cooper and seconded by Margo Nelson Smith. Motion carried.
Class of 1958 decorated-chairperson Karen Nelson
Introduction of Classes
Class of 1933-Ernest Thompson
Class of 1958-Dale Sheltrown