WBHS Alumni Association Minutes
May 24, 2003
President Ray Valley
called the meeting to order.
Honored guests were welcomed by the association.
The oldest attending alumni were
Beulah Parliament Gallagher from the class of 1930
and Loren Parliament from the class of 1934.
Teachers attending were Cliff Bedore and wife Ruth
and daughter Melanie, Chuck and and Barb DeGolia, Jerry Laycock, Beverly Myas Shortt, William and Kaye Wood, and Alice Thompson.
The class roll call was given by Secretary Mary
Anne Whitchurch Tuck.
President Ray Valley introduced two attending alumni
from the class of 1933, celebrating their 70th anniversary year; Hazel Fach Needham and Mary Parliament Duggan. Minutes of
the 2002 association meeting were read and unanimously approved.
The treasurer's report was given by Josephine Bailey
Richard Hamilton announced the winners of the four
2003 WBHS Alumni Association Scholarships
as printed in the program.
Jack and Dorothy Hammond Memorial Scholarship
Awarded To Nathan Vejcik
WBHS Teacher's Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to Narasha Lynn Beyerle
Two WBHS Alumni Association Scholarship
In the amount of $300 each
Award to Courtney Suzanne McElroy and
Christina Marie Phegley.
The Canadian $1000 bill was won by Arnold Brewer
The class of 1943 was introduced by Willard Wangler.
A moment of silence was observed in memory
of Terry Monaghan.
The class of 1953 was introduced by
Bob Lally.
The class of 1963 was introduced by
Bill Cascadden.
The Meeting Was Adjourned