May 29, 1982
The West Branch Alumni Association meeting
was called to order by President Frank Hacht.
A corsage was presented to Hazel Stay Bassett from
the class of 1912.
Invocation was given by Rev. Gordon Berger from
the class of 1957.
Class roll call was given by Jack Hammond.
Treasurer's report was given by Darlene Clemens
Winslow and the balance on hand was $2222.44.Motion was made by Arthur Crawford and seconded by Bernard Sargent that they
be accepted..Motion carried.
Secretary's report was given by Jack Hammond and
a motion made by Don Jameson and seconded by Ralph Wolfe that they be accepted. Motion carried.
There was no old business
New Business
Jack Hammond asked permission to check into buying
an Alumni Flag dating from the first graduation class of 1890 to the last graduating class of 1968. Show of hands gave consent
for the flag.
There being no further business a motion was made
by Jerry Clayton and seconded by Don Jameson that the meeting be adjourned.
Motion Carried