May 26, 1996
The 106th Alumni meeting was called to order by
President Frank Hacht at 6:40.
Invocation was given by Ray Valley.
Dinner was served
Frank Hacht gave corsages and a boutonniere to the
oldest members in attendance who were Freeman Cooper, class of 1925,Florence Rau, class of 1923 and Maude Embury, class of
Jack Hammond gave Roll Call.
Jack Hammond gave the secretarie's report and John
Coulter made the motion they be accepted and the motion was seconded by Ray Valley.
Treasurer report was given by Darlene Clemens Winslow
with a balance on hand at beginning of banquet of $3681.40
Motion made by Marilyn "Shorty" Thomas Beach and
seconded by Tom Awrey that they be accepted.
Ray Valley and Joyce had a sing along.
Introduction Of Classes
Class of 1936-Wynne Steuernol
Class of 1946-Harvey Bennet
Class of 1956-Genevra Gould Fox
No Old Business
New Business
Frank Hacht resigned as President
Willard accepted
resignation and nominated Stacy Poling and he accepted.
Frank Hacht accepted Vice President.
Joyce seconded and no one opposed.
Harvey Bennett made a motion the meeting be closed.
Joe Sergent seconded..
Meeting Closed
Songs by Ray and Joyce