May 25, 1991
The 101st West Branch Alumni Association was called
to order by President Frank Hacht.
The invocation was given by Ray Valley.
A corsage was presented to Florence Rau and Alice
Ferson as being the oldest ladies present from the class of 1923 and a boutonniere was presented to Freeman Cooper from the
class of 1925.
Roll call was given by Secretary Jack Hammond, and
we were honored to have an exchange student, Dorothee and her husband came from Germany
The secretary's report was given by Jack Hammond
and a motion was made by Burt Martin and seconded by Ray Valley that they be accepted.
The treasurer's report was given by Darlene Clemens
Winslow and the balance on hand is $5201.87. Motion made by Jim Allen and seconded by Art Crawford that they be accepted.
There being no old bsiness or any new business,
a motion was made by Ray Valley and seconded by Keith Bemis to adjourn.
Introduction Of Classes
Class of 1941-Bill Jennings. Hollis Miner presented
each graduate a meditation with orange and black ribbon which as made by the class.
Class of 1966-JoAnn VanOosten
Dancing Followed