May 26, 1990
The West Branch 100th Alumni meeting was called
to order by President Frank Hacht.
Invocation was given by Richard Hamilton and the
program was turned over to Master of Ceremonies Wynne Steuernol, class of 1936.
The program consisted of songs sung by Ray Valley
with Judith Gillies Wintermute at the piano. Tom Alley was introduced and presented two plaques of appreciation to
Jack Hammond.
A corsage was presented to Lois Bourassa Rosevear
of the class of 1920 as the oldest lady present and a boutonniere was presented to Freeman Cooper Class of 1925.
Roll call was given by Secretary Jack Hammond. The
secretary's report was given by Jack Hammond. Motion made by Burt Martin and seconded by Walt Resteiner that they be accepted.
Frank Hacht asked for information or any pictures
to compile a book for boy's sports.
Treasurer's report was given by treasurer Darlene
Clemens Winslow and the balance on hand was $4261.77.
Motion made by Tom Alley and seconded by Ray Valley
that it be accepted.
There being no old business or no new business,
a motion was made by Arthur Crawford and Seconded by Larry Martin the the meeting be adjourned.
The program was turned back to
Wynne Steuernol.
Dancing Followed