May 28, 1988
West Branch Alumni meeting was called to order by
President Frank Hacht.
A corsage was presented to Florence Cooper Rau,
class of 1923, and a boutonniere was presented to Freeman Cooper, class of 1925.
Invocation was given by Reverend Harold Klein, class
of 1983.
Roll call was given by Secretary Jack Hammond. There
were eight graduates from the Earl Fox family and five from the Ray Parliament family.
The Secretary's report was given by Jack Hammond.
Motion by Bill Winslow and seconded by Danny Needham that they be accepted.
Darlene Clemens Winslow gave the treasurer's report
and the balance on hand is $8135.95 and she introduced the girls basketball team of 1950.
A motion was made by June and seconded by Freeman
Cooper that they be accepted.
There was no old business but Mary Ellen Sappington
Good wants a committee to work with the Executive Board to put together a book for the 100th anniversary in 1990. The committee
is made up of Genevieve Bemis, Ardath Church, Kay Hammond and J.O. Johnson.
Introduction Of Classes
Class of 1938-Inez Schubert
Class of 1963-Joyce Alley.
A motion was made by Stacy Poling and seconded by
Milford Scott that the meeting be adjourned.