WBHS Alumni Association
May 25, 2002
The annual meeting was called to order by President
Ray Valley.
Secretary Mary Anne Whitchurch Tuck introduced our
guest, Mrs. Helen Miner.
There were 257 alumni in attendance, plus their guests,
making a total of 467.
One hundred and fifty one alumni sent in dues but
were unable to attend.
The secretary conducted the roll call of classes in
The oldest woman alumni from the class of 1930...Beulah
Parliament Gallagher.
The oldest attending man from the class of 1934 was
Loren Parliament.
Graduates from St.Joe were asked to stand and were
The minutes of last year's meeting were read and approved.
A letter from Kay Hammond Salazar (1968) was read.
Feedback cards were placed at each place setting.
The treasurer's report was given by Russell Jackson
(1948) The report was approved as read.
Recipients of the two scholarships presented
by the Alumni Association were announced by Vice President Richard Hamilton (1959)
The Jack and Dorothy Hammond Memorial Scholarship
was given to Jessica O'Grady who will be attending Lake Superior State College and plans to enter the field of accounting.
The Teacher's Memorial Scholarship was give to Teresa
Bartel. Teresa will be attending Goshen College pursuing a career in mechanical engineering and architecture.
No Old Business
Treasurer Russell Jackson is retiring the office of
The nominating committee consisting of Frank Hacht,
Calvin Reetz and Willard Wangler presented the following slate of officers for election:
President-Ray Valley
Vice President-Richard Hamilton
Secretary-Mary Anne Whitchurch Tuck
Treasurer-Josephine Bailey Neubecker
No nominations were offered from the floor.
Nominations were closed.
The slate of officers was elected unanimously as presented.
President Ray Valley presented an engraved placque
to Russell Jackson for his and Maxine's years of dedicated serve to the alumni association.
The $1000 Canadian bill was won by a drawing to Doris
White, wife of Ed White.
A motion to raise the scholarship amounts from $300
to $500 was made by Amos Graves, and seconded. A discussion was held. The motion was withdrawn.
A motion was made b y Clifford VanSickle to refer
to the officer's committee a request to raise the scholarship funding with a cap not to exceed $500. The motion was seconded
and approved.
The honored classes were introduced as follows:
Class of 1932-Ray Valley
Class of 1942-Betty Embury
Class of 1952-Ben Monson
Class of 1962-LeRoy Good
The meeting was adjourned