May 23, 1987
The West Branch Alumni meeting was called to order
by President Frank Hacht.
A corsage was presented to Luella Printice Kier
class of 1917 and a boutonniere was presented to Freeman Cooper class of 1925.
Invocation was given by LeRoy Good.
Roll call was given by Secretary Jack Hammond.
Introduction of Classes
Class of 1937-Grace Rosebrugh Ehinger
Class of 1962-Bill Steelman
The secretary's report was given by Jack Hammond.
Motion made by Pat McKenna and seconded by Harold Resteiner that they be accepted.
The treasurer's report was given by Darlene Clemens
Winslow and there was a balance of $6823.83.
Motion made by Robert Smith and seconded by Bill
Steelman that they be accepted.
There being no old or new business, a motion was
made by Milford Scott and seconded by Kathy Zettle that the meeting be adjourned.