WBHS Alumni Association
May 27, 2006
Business Meeting
Meeting called to order by President Ray Valley
Oldest member present..Margaret Buckingham Engel (1931)
Minutes of last meeting read by Mary Anne Whitchurch
Tuck, Sec’y.
Moved by Carol Ann Tuck to accept minutes as read.
Seconded by Jeanie Robinson Keith.
Motion Carried
Treasurer’s report read by Jo Bailey Neubecker.
It was received with no opposing votes.
Kent Davison presented information about the Year
Book, a history of West Branch that is being made and gave invitation to anyone with historical items to contact Jan Tennant
at the City Hall.
Nominations for officers were given by the nominating
committee consisting of Darlene Clemens Winslow, Clara Brewer Clark, Jim Orr and Helen Hasty Jennings. Slate of nominations
for 2 year term:President Ray Valley, Vice President Richard Hamilton, Treasurer Jo Bailey Neubecker, Secretary Mary Anne
Whitchurch Tuck.
Emma Jean Ouderkirk Valley moved that the slate of
officers be elected unanimously. Randy Surline seconded the motion. No opposing votes.
Nancy Griffin gave presentation about the North Western
Community Foundation. At this time there is $10,000 in the Endwment Fund and only the interest will be used for scholarships.
Theme is “Orioles Forever” and donations are welcome.
Carolyn Abbs Rice moved to send a one page flyer with
the alumni letter next year for the foundation. Sharon Fritz seconded..motion carried
Mary Anne gave the explanation that there will still
be WBHS Alumni
Association scholarships given and this year $1,275 has been donated to this fund.
There will still be a line item for scholarship donations
in the annual invitation.The money for the “Orioles Forever” fund would be sent to a different address.
The Alumni Association would not be responsible for those funds.
The largest number of family members present (from
one family was 5 from the Walsh family.
Class introductions were made:
1941 & 1946 Ray Valley
1951 Emma Jean Ouderkirk Valley
1956 Jeanie Burns Rice
1961 Steve Steinhauser
1966 Joann Murray VanOosten
$100 Ruth DeWitt
$100 Janet Hasty
$300 Lila Sargent
$500 Robert Ehinger
Drawing For Floral Arrangement
Betty Toutant, Doug Jamesobn, Betty Eastmen Taylor,
Helen Jennings, Connie Zettel, Charlene Allison, Carl Kneffler, Gene Hobohm, Ron Kimball, Robert Bennett, David Curtis, Lynnette
Smith Mulkie
President Ray Valley adjourned the meeting at 9:15
Minutes By Marilyn Meiser Hamilton