May 27, 1989
West Branch Alumni Association meeting was called
to order by President Frank Hacht.
A corsage was presented to Gladys Quackenbush Stephens
from the class of 1920. A boutonniere was given to Freeman Cooper class of 1925.
Invocation was given by Richard Hamilton.
Roll call was given by secretary Jack Hammond. The
Secretary's report was given by Secretary Jack Hammond and a motion was made by Ray Valley and seconded by Tom Alley that
they be accepted.
The treasurer's report was given by Treasurer Darlene
Clemens Winslow and the balance on hand was $8162.95.
A motion was made by George Curtis and seconded
by Leith Curtis that they be accepted.
Introduction of Classes
Class of 1939-Keith Bemis
Class of 1964-Gerry Roland
There being no old business and no new business
a motion was made by Tom Alley nd seconded by Fred White that the meeting be adjourned.