The invocation was given by
David Clayton, Class of 1968.
A corsage was presented to Florence Cooper Rau and
Alice Morrison Ferguson both from the class of 1923. In the absence of Alice, Kay Morrison accepted the corsage.
A boutonniere
was presented to Freeman Cooper
class of 1925.
Ray Valley read a poem which everyone enjoyed.
Frank Hacht introduced Shelda Buck Stone who presented
a jewelry box to Lois Adrian Pingle on behalf of her Mother who could not attend. It was given for the years of dedicated
work both Mr. and Mrs. Adrian had done for the school. The box was made from a tree cut from the school property.
A response of thanks was made by the two granddaughters
Judy Adrian McWhirter and Lindell Steinhauser Herrick.
Roll call was give by Jack Hammond.
the secretaries report was given by Jack Hammond.
A motion was made they be accepted.
The treasurer's report was given by Treasurer Darlene
Clemens Winslow. The balance on hand was $3206.60. Motion made by Greg Kimball and seconded by Dick Reminder that they be
Introduction Of Classes
Class of 1943-Terry Monoghan
Chris Beach Anderson introduced the class of 1968,
the last graduating class from West Branch High School.
There being no old business or any new business,
a motion was made by Leon Robinson and seconded by Ernie Thompson that the meeting be adjourned.
Dancing Followed